The latest GP Patient Survey asked people across the country about what they think about their local GP practice. Premier Health Team received an overall rating of 96 per cent! … [continue] Our excellent GP Patient Survey Results 2023
PLEASE NOTE – We will be changing out surgery telephone number on Wednesday 8th January 2025. Our new number will be 01942 369282.
Patient Participation Group Chat and Brew!!
Our PPG will be meeting on Monday 20th May 2024 at 10.30am in the conference room, Bridgewater Medical Centre. All patients are welcome to come along.
Hot off the press!
This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is … [continue] Hot off the press!
This is another news item
This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is some more news. This is … [continue] This is another news item
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